Yoga For Jaundice
If you want to keep your liver clean, then yoga can prove to be very helpful for you, if your body is pale, it can be a symptom of jaundice. Jaundice is also called jundis in English. Let's learn the name and method of yoga and how to remove jaundice in Hindi. Jaundice is a serious disease in the liver, due to which the color of the skin, the mucous membrane and the color of the eyes become yellow. We all know that the liver is one of the most important parts of our body, then it is necessary to work well. To treat jaundice, you should work at three levels on mental, physical and dietary levels. During jaundice you feel weak in both mental and physical form.
You can do some yoga to keep your mind positive and stress free. Let's know Yoga posture in detail to remove jaundice.
What is Jaundice
Jaundice is a type of disease that occurs in the liver. Jaundice comes from the French word "Jaune", which means yellow. Jaundice usually starts from the face, the top to bottom appears to be rising and the bottom of the bottom is fine. This disease can occur at any age of the person. Jaundice can be cured by making the liver tight by using yoga.
Kapalbhati Pranayama For Jaundice
Pranayam is a breathing exercise that is known to increase the health of the liver of people suffering from cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis and other diseases of the liver. Kadalbhati Pranayama Yoga which stimulates the liver and treats various types of liver problems effectively. It also helps in spleen efficiency. To do this posture, first you sit on a yoga mat on the ground and sit in Padmasan or Sukasan. Put both of your hands on the knees and sit in the pose of meditation. Bring the breath in. Now exhale the breath and pull the stomach inwards in such a manner that the stomach and back may be found together. Then take the breath in and relax the stomach. Repeat this verb again. Repeat Kapalabhati Pranayama for five minutes continuously.
Dhanurasana Yoga For Jaundice
Dhanrassan Yoga works wonders for those who are suffering from fatty liver disease. It stimulates the liver, strengthens and stretches, and in it the fat is used as the energy source for the body. To do this posture, lie down on the belly of a yoga mat, put both hands in parallel to the body and turn the legs backwards. Now take your hands behind and hold both legs with both hands. Try to stay in this seat for 20 to 30 seconds. In the end, both hands should come in their initial position of opening.
Naukasana Yoga For Jaundice
Nakasan or Navasana, which is known as boat currency. It is a simple yet effective posture to help in the treatment of liver cancer. With Yachting Yoga, you can help in the excitement and strength of your liver, by which it clears all harmful toxins from your body. To make Nawasana, you sit in a yoga mat, and put it in the penis. Now lift both feet straight upwards. You tend to tilt a bit backwards, making the balance, straighten your hands forward and parallel to the floor. In this posture, make an angle of 45 degrees on your waist. Try to do this seat for 20 to 60 seconds.
Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga For Jaundice
It is a pose that is also known as the King of Fish Pose. It is highly beneficial for liver. It helps to put pressure on the liver and strengthens and stimulates the liver damaged by fibrosis, apoptosis, swelling and tension. To do this posture, you first sit on a yoga mat and put it in a dandasan. Keep your leg leg on the outside of the knee side of the left foot. Keep the spinal cord straight, turn your neck shoulders and waist right. Stay in this posture for a few seconds and then do this whole process with the other leg.
Sarvangasana Yoga For Jaundice
Sarangjan Yoga is very beneficial in jaundice. It also helps to strengthen the liver, kidney and respiratory system. Apart from this, you can make a healthy liver and strong defenses. To do this posture, first lie down on the right back of a Yoga mat. Keep both of your hands straight. Now turn your legs off of the waist and turn them over. After this, raise your hands with support from the back. Make your legs up to a maximum height. In this situation, your bone and your legs should be in a straight line.
The entire weight of your body will be on the shoulders and both hands will help keep the bench straight upwards. In this posture you have to wait for at least 30 seconds, after which you have to come to the initial stage by doing so below the feet.
Gomukhasana Yoga For Jaundice
Gomukasan Yoga is also known as Cow Face Pose. It is one of the best rugs to treat Cirrhosis. When you suffer from liver cirrhosis, oxygen and blood flow are prevented by the tissues that are traumatic. With which your lever is unable to remove toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria and metabolize fat. By doing Gomukshasan Yoga, your liver gets stimulated, which causes oxygen and blood flow freely through it. To do this posture you will be sitting in the dry house of one of the most important yoga mats.
Bring your right foot closer to your body, then pull your left foot too close to your right thigh. Now move your right hand from the top of the shoulder to the back and take the left hand from the elbow to the back of the back and mix both of your hands together. You can stay in this situation for some time.
Baddha Padmasana Yoga For Jaundice
Bold-Padmasan Yoga helps tone and strengthen your organs, especially the liver. To make the Padmaan bound, first you sit in the Padmasan or lotus posture on the floor. After this, move both of your hands backwards in the opposite position, holding your thumbs i.e., holding the thumb of the left foot with your right hand and holding the thumb of the left hand from the left hand. Place your spinal cord and head in a straight line in the tied padmasan. Make it at least 30 seconds for one.
Nidra Yoga For Jaundice
Yoga sleep is a good comforting technique for the body and mind and helps the body to fill energy naturally, which gives him good sleep. To do yoga sleeping posture, you lie down on a quiet place by wearing yoga mats. Keep the hands straight and keep a little distance between your legs. Now stop the eyes and breathe normally and stop all thoughts coming in your mind and do not think anything. It can do without the ability to do it.
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