
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Padahastasana Yoga Steps And Benefits

Padahastasana Yoga Steps And Benefits

Padhastasan is standing in yoga and tilted forward, in which both feet have to touch the feet. Padhastasana Yoga is one of the 12 original rugs of Yoga. This is also the third currency of the Surya Namaskar sequence. Padhastasan Yoga is known for reducing fat in the stomach, fixing digestive problems, enhancing your height and giving a good stretch to thigh muscles. Foothastasan Yoga helps to increase the blood circulation of the head. Apart from this, it helps fight our other diseases in our body. Hand under Foot pose is a good posture for heating your body and making your body flexible for doing other yoga. Let the foothills know the way to do yoga and its benefits in detail.

What is Padahastasana yoga

Padhastasan is a yoga posture named after Sanskrit. Padahastasan is composed of three words, in which the first word is "foot" which means "foot", its second word is "hast" which means "hand" and the third word "asan", which means "currency or status" . The English name of Padhastasan Yoga is called Gorilla pose and hand under foot pose. Padhastasana Yoga posture is beneficial for our body in many ways. Let's understand the method of footsteps doing yoga in detail.

Steps to do Padahastasana yoga

To keep your health healthy and to keep the body away from diseases, Padhastasan yoga is a good yoga. Let us know in detail how to do this yoga.

To make Padhastasan, you should stand straight on it by spreading Yoga mat on the floor.
You can also stand in Tadasan to practice Padhastasan.
Now keep both of your hands straight downwards and look at the front.
Then slowly move both of your hands over the head and connect them together.
Now leaning your breath outwardly, bending the body from the waist to the side bend downwards.
Keep in mind that your torso that is, keep your upper part straight, just turn from the waist here.
Try touching the ground, removing the waist of your hands.
Let your head hang in an independent state and do not let any stretch on your neck.
Now try to connect the head to your feet and wrap your both hands in the feet.
Stay in this condition for a few seconds and breathe 5-6 times according to your capacity.
Now let your breathing take the inside to straighten your waist.

Beginner’s Tip to do Padahastasana yoga

If you are a beginner and are just beginning yoga practice, then you should do the following.

If you have difficulty turning the waist here, then you can take the support of a wall.
If you are having trouble touching the ground with your hands, then you should turn the legs off a bit of your knee.
Let your hands stay on the ground and slowly try to straighten your feet from the knees here.
You try to stay in this position for a few seconds or according to your capacity.
Take breathing inside to get back to your earliest and gradually get straight.

Benefits Of The Padahastasana yoga

Padhastasan Yoga affects our body in many ways and helps us to keep healthy. There are many benefits to practicing Padahastasan, let us know its advantages in detail.

Padahastasana yoga for Relieves Stress

Padhastasana Yoga is very beneficial to reduce stress. By the way all yoga help reduce your stress, but this yoga eliminates the fatigue of your body and reduces stress and gives peace to the mind.

Padahastasana yoga for Improves digestion

Padahastasana Yoga is very beneficial for improving digestion and increasing metabolic activity. The cause of almost all diseases in our body is malfunction in the stomach's digestive system. If you do footsteps for yoga then there is a way to massage your stomach and it becomes more active in the stomach's functioning system.

Padahastasana yoga Benefits 

If you are looking for a yoga to increase your heights, then footmaster Yoga can be a great option for you. This yoga gives a good strain to your thigh muscles. Footsteps improve balance, currency and flexibility. Its regular practice can help you increase your stature.

Padahastasana yoga benefits for blood circulation

Pathastasana Yoga is beneficial in improving blood circulation. To do this yoga, you have to bowel forward, which significantly improves blood circulation in the upper part of the body.

Padahastasana yoga benefit for Stimulates glands in the body

Pathastasana Yoga is beneficial in stimulating the body gland. This yoga enhances their functioning by stimulating the pineal and adrenal gland. Padhastasan is a good posture to keep yoga levers and kidneys healthy. Liver and kidneys are the main part of our body; it functions in our body to perform important functions of various functions such as storage of nutrients, filtering of substances, exiting waste materials etc. If we work well with these organs, we get more benefits of food.

Precautions to do Padahastasana yoga

Padhastasan Yoga is a medium level yoga, it can be done well with little practice. To make footsteps, you should keep the following things in your mind -

If you are worried about the problem of cytika, then you do not do this posture.
If you are troubled with back pain, then you do not do this posture.
If your thighs have problems in pain or hamstring, then you should avoid doing this yoga.
Pregnant women must consult the doctor before doing this posture.

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