Yoga For Strong Lungs
Yoga For Strong Lungs
Yoga exercise lungs for lungs are the vital part of our body. The most important exercise to consolidate the lungs is pranayama. Yoga is one of the best things for your lungs, besides keeping your lungs free of smoke, a regular exercise can strengthen them. Yoga is one of the most appropriate methods to ensure such results that are beneficial for the lungs and keep them healthy. Through yoga, you can improve your physical strength and keep your emotional energy under control.
Yoga exercises not only improve the health and ability of the lungs, but can also help in relieving tension, anxiety and depression, which are sometimes accompanied by lung disease. Let's know Yoga posture to keep your lungs healthy.
Yoga for the lungs
If you are affected by lung disease such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma or lung cancer, exercises for such patients are a good option, those who have difficulty breathing can get respiratory therapists or health care providers In the guidance, these yoga postures can be done.
Bhujangasana for the healthy lungs
Bhujangasan provides adequate expansion to your lungs. This dispersion helps you to get more oxygen in your body, which keeps your lungs healthy. To do this posture, you should lay a yoga mat and lie down on the stomach on which your peat stands upwards. Keep both of your hands on the ground. Now, putting weight on both your hands, slowly move your head backwards and try to chug upwards. You try to stay in this seat for 20 to 30 seconds.
Anulom Vilom Pranayama
Analogous inversion is an excellent yoga practice for improving blood circulation. Yoga enzymes for healthy lungs Violom pranayam is very beneficial. This pranayama removes the heart blockages. It also removes stress, anxiety and depression naturally. To do this posture, first of all, sit down a yoga mat on the ground and sit in sukhasan or vajrasana. Now lift your right hand and close the right nose nostril from the thumb and breathe long by the nostril. Now close the nostrils with the ring finger of your right hand and release the breath from the right nostril. In this situation, your left hand will be kneeling.
Kapalbhati Pranayama Better Respiratory System
Kapalbhati Pranayam is a breathing process which strengthens our respiratory system. It is a very good posture to reduce weight. Kapalbhati Pranayam is very effective in fixing many problems related to stomach disorders, obesity, digestive disorders and stomach problems. To do this posture, first you sit on a yoga mat on the ground and sit in Padmasan or Sukasan. Put both of your hands on the knees and sit in the pose of meditation. Bring the breath in. Now exhale the breath and pull the stomach inwards in such a manner that the stomach and back may be found together. Then take the breath in and relax the stomach. Repeat this verb again. Repeat Kapalabhati Pranayama for five minutes continuously.
Triangle pose
Trikonasan Yoga stimulates the nervous system and allows easy airway to the lungs. The key feature of this Yoga posture is that it helps in expanding the chest cavity, which ensures a good exercise of the lungs. This is not only easy but also beneficial for pulling the inner thighs and stomach muscles and strengthening the spine. To do this posture, you should stand straight by removing both feet on a Yoga Mat, bend the side of your right foot and keep your hands on the ground and make the other hand upward by straightening the two hands with a straight line Be in Stay in this posture for some time, if you have difficulty keeping your hands on the ground then you can keep the hand over the foot.
Naukasana for Increasing the ability of breathing
Yachting Yoga extends easy chest and encourages deep breathing, which is extremely beneficial in improving the health of the lungs. This posture stimulates muscles, digestion, blood circulation, nerve and hormonal system. To make the yacht, you should sit straight on both sides of a yoga mat and straighten it in front of you, then keep both feet straight and lift upwards. Now you make a balance of tilt towards the back slightly and keep your hands straight ahead. In this posture should be an angle of 45 degree on the waist between your legs and upper part of the body. In this posture you try to do a few seconds according to your ability.
Gomukhasana for Cleansing the lungs
Gumuksanan, another part of yoga that is very beneficial for maintaining the health of your lungs. Gomuksan has excellent posture to inspire relaxation. This posture not only opens the area of the chest but also reduces back pain, exhaustion, stress and anxiety. To do this posture you will be sitting in the dry house of one of the most important yoga mats. Bring your right foot closer to your body, then pull your left foot too close to your right thigh. Now move your right hand from the top of the shoulder to the back and take the left hand from the elbow to the back of the back and mix both of your hands together. You can stay in this situation for some time.
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardhamatsyadrasan Yoga posture is known for promoting the immune system. During this posture, deep breath helps to keep the lungs healthy and ultimately strengthens the respiratory system. It is easy to spread the spinal cord and stimulants in the body. To do this posture, you first sit on a yoga mat and put it in a dandasan. Keep your leg leg on the outside of the knee side of the left foot. Keep the spinal cord straight, turn your neck shoulders and waist right. Stay in this posture for a few seconds and then do this whole process with the other leg.
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