
Friday, June 7, 2019



Masks based on Aspirin help with acne and pickles. They are quickly prepared and easy, and the work is already in the first place. In this article, we look more closely at the navigation for pellets and masks with acetylsalicylic acid, the effectiveness of this cosmetic means and reading of the rendering home.


Aspirin is not just a remedy for headaches, but also a substance that is in cosmetics. But Peeling and Masking with Aspirin Home does not make the unique cosmetology.

The activity that shows cosmetic means based on Aspirin tablets is as follows:

Effect of Acetylsalicylic acid on release. Aspirin reduces the activity of the most important components of the disruption, but also reduces the production of ATP by the body. In addition, the medication reduces the infeed capillaries to the capillaries, so that the blood reaches the hearth of the dislocation to a smaller envelope.
Reduce the shrinkage. Fabric enthalpy Acetylsalicylic acid has excellent effect, thus reducing Schmerz syndrome.
Except of obsessed, it may be a scientific endorsement of the mask's facial mask with Aspirin against Pickel and head injuries.


The effect of the active substance, which is in Aspirin, on the normalization of the sebaceous gland of the skin. Stabilized activity contributes to the resolution of disincentives. Face mask with Aspirin strengthens the penetration to the sheaths of the epidermis, causing systematic, trace elements and vitamins to settle.

Cosmetic agent based on acetylsalicylic acid on a dry line, so cosmetic nets and dermatologists are used only in the following cases:

Marin Haut. Aspirin facial masks improve the color of the skin and the epidermal erosion. Apart from this, cosmetic agents contain the skin and the fat metabolism.
Problematic Haut. Aspirin beautifully masters pustular acne, Mitesser and acne. In addition, contain enthalpy acetylsalicylic acid, alleviated digestion and image.
Fatty Haut. Aspirin tablets to regulate the sebum content. Beyond that, Mask punishes the pores and the debris.
Cosmetic treatments with Aspirin help, remove acne (traces of acne), face again a healthy color, remove pigmentation.

But the mask of aspirin and various cases contraindicated. This applies, in particular, to the mistresses of the beautiful king, with diets, more dry, more sensitive skin.

In addition, masking with Aspirin is contraindicated in the following cases:

Allergic Nuclear and Asthmatics;
pregnant or sedentary women;
Owners of strong offspring Haut;
after the completion of the epilation procedure;
for reconciliation and wages (on the head);
during the illness;
at the expansion of the ramp.

For the use of Aspirin-based masks, the allergic reaction of the skin to this substance provides. In a small quantity of water, she loves to have a tablet of aspirin and a solution to the hand. Taking them for a few hours, the reaction. If in the course of the days they do not feel dizzy, calm or shoddy, then the navigation of cosmetics based on acetylsalicylic acid will be good service.


Tablets for the production of mask for face with Aspirin Home, the composition must be adapted to navigation based on the effect on skin.

Here are some simple homonymies in general:

Use of only pure Aspirin.
Medications and capsules not needed. The Splottopf, which covers a few tools, protects our thaw from the contact with the fabric. In the use of mask-protecting components, the activity of acetylsalicylic acid is reduced.

Correction of the composition of the recipes.
If you recommend Aspirin's facial cleansing, then recommend the mask to see the juice. Afterwards as a cosmetic with Honey and Aspirin, which relieves the discomfort in Roudelzeg. The mask has sweetened, they may or may not.

Control of time of action.
Beauty treatments with the use of acetylsalicylic acid should be etcs. Do not raise "the whole night" therapeutic composition, as it may be to the satiety of the skin. Their duration must be between 3 and 15 minutes.

The nature of the skin.
Owners of the beautiful king with dry, written and dysfunctional skin, of masks with aspirin should be avoided. In this case Aspirin only weh. In this case the lady with skin tends to be dressed, an agent is unable to see it twice a week. Aspirin is found in the epidermis, so it is also important not to overdo it.

Impact on design.
Aspirin and Honig masked face masks are only available on the affected skin. Dry They are a cosmetic agent for the areas of skin-exposed skin disorders and ankles, as well as the nasal labial tract (on this spot the skin is greasy).

After performing the cosmetic treatments, protecting the skin from the effects of UV rays. The effect of the mask is reminiscent of the method of chemical peeling, after which our skin-protecting properties are lost before UV radiation. This is best done in autumn and winter, after the treatment on the face of the cream with UV filtering.


Cosmetic agents on the basis of Aspirin uncomplicated in rendering and have a minimum of components. Here are some helpful navigation.


This cream relieves the disinfectant process, removes them from the old skin and helps, for loosening, pickling and acne.

For the purpose of creaming, we need 4 Aspirin tablets, which are kept in powder. Mishaps They are the powder with a few drops of water, finally we should have a thick mix. Now they see the rest of the ingredients a few spoonfuls of fat cream, once again missed.

Bring it to the dried skin for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water.

Cream can take up to a maximum of 14 days.


Change of skin cleanser, prepare a peel from Honig and Acetylsalicylic acid. And adding a Composition Tool to the effect of using the tool.

For the purpose of peeling, Si 2 take Aspirin Tablets, 1 TL of Honey, ½ TL of Saline and a few drops of water. Tablets three in powder and you miss all the ingredients for the Brittle consistency.

Draw Si scrub on the problem zones, then melt the hot water. In the latter case - the raising of the moisturizing cream.

This prevents the skin, removing abnormal areas. Beyond Peeling has antiseptic properties.


It is a cosmetic, not just a reduction in the disinfectant process, but also the skin.

For Mask, we need 2 tablets of Aspirin (powdered) and 1 TL of page and a honeycomb Honig. Honestly wash a water bath and munch with the powder and side.

Providing for the means, which Haut must steam. Then you spend the night on the face for 20 minutes. Scented water.
After raising the mask the skin becomes bright, the cleansing of the epidermis can occur. Chris's Auframes from the recipe is not necessary, even if they have oily skin, because lightweight fat reduces the aggressive effect of acids.

For the sake of understanding: on the top, I would like to point out that cosmetic agents, having aspirin, can be used for correction of skin problems (pickle, acne, acne, fatty skin) at home. Peelings, masks and creams with acetylsalicylic acid reduce edema of the skin, image, pickle crushed, remove acne and black spots in the head.

But no need to use the addition and dissolution of Fallen Mask with Aspirin, because at the renewal of the epidermis there is no stimulating effect. In addition, masked with Aspirin does not apply, that beautiful sex with reese and dry skin.

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