
Saturday, June 8, 2019

What Messages Help Your Child Develop?

What Messages Help Your Child Develop?

A three-year-old boy dressed in a superhero costume crouches in a corner and shouts: em I can't wear my shoes!

 Preschool children are in the early stage of developing their own self-concept - the mental picture of who they are, what they can do, what they are capable of doing. In this important period, the language parents and teachers use to preschool children - especially when they face difficulties or in the struggle to learn new skills - can help them shape a healthy mental model of how people learn and grow.

 As children grow up, many see intelligence as a constant, unchangeable feature. In contrast, the “developing mindset kafa shows that intelligence is shapable and sensitive to effort. Many parents say, ünde When they see their children give up and say, im I'm not good at doing this. I can't do it ini. Ez He was the Director of Programs at the Educational Research Project at Stanfort University. Uz On the contrary, we're also impressed by the children who struggle until they get something, Car says Carissa Romero.

“If you help students learn that their actions lead to success, they realize that when they encounter an obstacle, their actions will help them overcome that obstacle.”

These parents react to a real concern. Research shows that students who adopt a developing mindset can overcome difficulties, show flexibility when facing obstacles, and see error as part of the student process. According to Romero, niyet The mentality sits above the cascade of non-cognitive factors that provide information about student achievement ”.

The good news is that the mindset can be shaped – and it offers a rich developmental window for preschool ages, parents and carers to develop children's mindsets.

Replace overall praise with process praise

Overall, it's easy to make a customary praise! BirGreat job! Wow! Fine - but these expressions lack educational significance. In contrast, the expressions - also known as “process praise olmayan or olmayan non-general praise-- share special observations about children's choices and efforts. These are instructive statements because they provide information that children can use in the future. “Good tip, Rom says Romero, olmak Helping children connect their success to their strategies and steps. Att

According to one study, the language used by parents when their children were between one and three years old gives an idea of ​​their motivation after five years. The three most influential accolades highlighted are ”the child's effort, the child's strategy and the child's action eylem.

Ero This is a really exciting work for parents. The language they use to talk to their children makes a profound difference to their children, even if they receive messages from everyone around them after they start school. The positive messages of caregivers can give insight even alone. ”

Romero urges parents to focus on what they are aware of. This can be a simple start for your young child. Instead of “very nice ın try to say dim It's nice to share this with your brother” or “I like the way you use blue and yellow in the picture” instead of “beautiful picture”.

“Process praise ties children's actions to their accomplishments, Rom says Romero.“ If you help students understand that their actions lead them to success, they realize that what they do can help them overcome this setback when they encounter an obstacle.

Use the power of “yet”

As the preschool children become independent, they go back and forth between the frustration of “I can't ıyla and the excitement of“ I did ”. When parents hear am I can't ”, they can be more supportive of their children, reflecting greater possibilities: ın You can't yet. You're still learning. Keep trying. ”In other words, adding the word“ for now çık removes the sentence from the frustration of the present and reshapes it into the future.

“The power of yet - while the process is still in progress - your research on it is promising, Rom says Romero. In a recent TED speech, Dr. Stanford professor, a pioneer of research on the development of the mind. She also emphasized how Carol Dweck's word “yet yardım helps children to embrace themselves in a learning curve.

“Only‘ yet ’or değil not yet’ gives children more confidence than what we found

it leads to a future where they can leave bigger traces. ”

Last autumn, on the Sesame Street show, Power The Power of Yet, ındaki about the same theme.

The song ücü The Power of Yet ”was performed by Janelle Monae. All the heroes of Sesame Street think they've failed what they do. But Monae tells them onlara the power of yet::

Tell stories about flexibility

Storytelling is a powerful tool for shaping the child's understanding of how the world works. According to a study, children who hear stories about how family members and their ancestors overcome difficulties are more flexible in the challenges they face. The experts who make the work point out that the stories that help children the most are those that reflect the staggering, the ups and downs of life, and finally, they are reminded that they belong to something bigger than themselves.

Similarly, parents and educators can remind children of their own success stories özel the special moments of how much the child works or learns a challenge while learning something new. This can range from learning how to ride a bike to finishing a difficult puzzle or adapting to a new sibling

The language we use helps shape children's understanding of themselves and their abilities. As Romero put it, düşünüy I think all parents want their children to grow up to be flexible adults who overcome difficulties and do not allow their failure to identify them. The developing mind structure directs people to learning instead of performance. This helps children to shape themselves as lifelong learners who can overcome difficulties and learn things instead of being torn down when they meet them. This ultimately leads to more success in school and in life. ”

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